Foothills Fencing Inc has the knowledge and experience to properly design and build barbed wire, smooth wire and page wire farm fences so they effectively contain livestock for many years.
Many barbed wire fences are built incorrectly which quickly fail and become dilapidated. Posts loosen, fence gates lean and wires break. We see this daily while driving to job sites. The top reasons fences fail is due to poor overall design, followed by poor installation techniques usually as a result of inexperience. The barbed wire fence pictured is in Rocky View County west of Bragg Creek

Barbed wire fence near Priddis
To build a lasting wire fence many factors need to be considered, some of which include soil type, changing moisture content throughout the seasons, topography, grazing pressure and direction of the fence itself. Only then can the fence design truly start to take shape by determining brace layout, fence post size (both diameter and length) and fence gate placement and support. Finally, proper installation techniques need to be followed. There's a lot more to building a wire fence properly on the farm or acreage than most people realize. Foothills Fencing Inc - we're here to help!
This photo of a dog fence is actually a fence built for horses but would double as an attractive dog fence with it's top rail and 2" wide by 4" tall wire squares below.
Chain link fence serves a function but it's highly visible, expensive and generally considered unattractive. This page wire dog fence blends west of Calgary into the background and the wire is nearly invisible from a short distance.